Monday, March 12, 2012

Spa Wabi

Last Tuesday I went with Raffi to a spa just on the other side of the Austrian boarder, in Hungary. She had been telling me about how great this place was for ages, so I figured it was time to give this a go. After dropping off the kiddos at school, I picked up Raffi and we made the hour drive to Sopron, Hungary. Not even five minutes over the boarder we arrived at Wabi Beauty Center. I was surprised at the number of spas that we drove past and saw advertisements for, but Raffi assured me that this was the best one - very professional and with the entire facility built for the purpose of being a spa.

(picture taken from Wabi website)

Being a Tuesday, we weren't expecting it to be very crowded, but alack! There was only a spot for one of us to get a massage! So we signed up for that and went downstairs for a manicure. I stuck with that and the massage (Raffi was going back the next week with a friend and said she didn't mind if I took the spot), and read for a while in a comfortable little café while Raffi did a few other things. The spa offers manicures, pedicures, hair cuts and styling, massages, sauna, a spa, waxing, sunbeds, cosmetics, plastic surgery, and dental cleaning. I don't know that I would indulge in those last few offerings, but I was surprised by the variety of it all! Everything was priced in HUF (Hungarian Forint), but you could pay in Euro as well. The total of my manicure and hour-long massage was 38€! We had lunch in the on-site restaurant, too, and with three drinks, a salad, and two plates of sautéed veggies and cheese between the two of us, we paid a total of 10€.

We couldn't linger much longer because I had to get back to work, but we did swing by a mall of sorts a few minutes further up the road and it looked like it had some stores worth going back for. Even better, they're open on Sundays. I'll definitely have to make a few more trips back here!

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